I'm With Jesus

© 2022 Nathan Long

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Heb 10:22

See God's fire on Mount Sinai Feel the thunder shake the earth I will die if I approach him I, a rebel wretch from birth Filthy, though I wash my clothing, Guilty past all sacrifice but the Lamb of God's atoning - I am lost without the Christ

See the priests approach the temple Smell the smoke and hear the cries Blood of lambs poured out by thousands Broken hearts and weeping eyes Still the Lord beyond the curtain is too holy to approach Ere I gaze upon his beauty Christ must bear my deep reproach

I'm with Jesus I'm with Jesus! In his name I come to pray Can the holy God receive me? Jesus is the only way

Peer into Isaiah's vision God enthroned and seated high Sinless angels shield their faces "holy, holy!" is their cry I, unclean, cannot behold him never dare approach his throne Let the mountains fall and crush me But for grace through Christ alone

I'm with Jesus I'm with Jesus! In his name I come to pray Can the holy God receive me? Jesus is the only way

Praise the Lord! I have a Savior! Fully God and fully man When the time had come to fullness He fulfilled the Father's plan He has lived the life I owed him died, a priceless sacrifice rose to justify and save me I am clean in Jesus Christ!

I'm with Jesus I'm with Jesus! In his name I come to pray Can the holy God receive me? Jesus is the only way